
The designing of a plan is just the first step of the whole process, the executing is also a big part of that process. This is the part where an own and creative desing needs to be made.

One of our first assessments was for ’Thinking and reasoning’, we needed to define one of the five senses. My group was assigned with "smell", that was immediately something difficult for me, because I am born with anosmia, the inability to smell. I felt a little insecure when we started working on the assessment, because I don’t really know anything about this sense. We spoke a lot about how we could demonstrate this sense in a fun and educational way. And although I couldn’t really help them with picking out the different smells, I did collaborate. I came up with some ideas about how we could demonstrate it, and collected all the items we needed for this demonstration. So I think I still took the leading part on me, although that is one of my weaknesses due to my personality test.

I have to admit that I struggle sometimes with the executing part, it is hard for me to write everything down that I have in my head. Because sometimes I have a clear image in my head about what I want to tell or how I want to make something. But it is hard to really execute that in a clear and understandable way for everyone.

I experienced the same problem with writing the essay about the Great Depression for International World of Business. We already did some research on it in groups in class, and needed to present it. So quite understood how everything linked to each other, and thought it would be easy to write it down. But it was harder than I thought, but I managed it finally. Something that really helped me with that were the information skill classes. I learned there how to make a mind map, something that is really important before you start on a project. So you know in which ways you need to lead the information. What it is you really want to know on how you can find the correct information.