In this reflection report I will highlight my learning journey in 1st term of the IBIS studies and programme.
Starting with Html I never had this kind of ICT class or subject.
So in the beginning it was hard for me to adjust to the programme material of html I had allot of issues with the set-up of my webpage and to keep focused etc.
But because I now from myself that I´m not a quitter and that my number 1 objective is to have my Propaedeutic.
I convinced myself that I will be more active and focus by asking allot of question doing allot o research and some homework of html made me better to keep track
at html it’s still difficult but my evidence what I can show of my progress in html is my Passport website what I have created with the help of the lecturer and by myself.
I started from knowing nothing to creating a beautiful webpage with allot of valid data and beautiful lay out. My discipline and grit, and objective made me better during
this 1st term at html But what I want to improve is to make and understand my home work at html.
Thinking and reasoning
Thinking and reasoning lecture was very educative for me why because each week I learned something new and made a new journey
reflection about it in my blogs, and used the examples what I learned in the class of Thinking and reasoning for me to understand each topic and write about it.
The inner things that helped me during the this lecture was my discipline and motivation and curiosity to learn something and also by listening to others and summarizing
what I have learned and done it class. The prove what I can show of my learning progress is through my blog that is well checked by the lecturer.
And since I understand the concept of system 1 and system 2 I will use my system 2 for the second term where effort is also a part of it to be more dedicated towards my objective
to reach my propaedeutic.
What is in my backpack
What is in my backpack was very educative for during the first term of the psd1 subject why because each week
I had a new insight based on the materials the lecture provided in the class and this new insight I highlighted in my essay or assignment that
I put on my Ibis Passport, because of all this I know and I understand myself better and I also known my 5 strengths, and I have now a pitch elevator
what I can put in LinkedIn to tell something about myself and I also I made my own positioning model, masterplan of the future and many more things.
And based of all this I have also a great insight about my passion and drive in the future. For me to be able to be an successful business innovator.
the knowledge what I obtained about how my brain works was very valuable why because the brain is the thing that I need to be successful and during the class
I know how the brain works and how I can optimize the functioning of my own brain to be able to learn allot by using my growth mind set instead of my fixed mind-set.
And the guest lecture showed me the steps of how you can think creative in your mind an what the pros and cons are of a business innovator.
this information is important for me as an upcoming business innovator. All the things I learned during this 5 lectures of what is in my backpack I can know Implement in my
life journey towards the second term. What I dislike a little bit was the many essay tat I wrote.
Information skills
The information skill lecture was very educative for me why because I learned how I can find relevant data or information.
Or when I search for something I know now that I need to have an research question in mind to be able to search successfully and also what I learned is how I need to check twice
if the information is correct or not by checking other sources. And I know how I can find information through the in Holland database or google – scholar
this knowledge I obtained of information skills was handy during the first term when I needed to do some research for my timeline and poster and also for other assignment
in the second block.
NLU choices
Based on the lecture of what is in my backpack
I realize what my passion and goals are and my strengths thanks to this findings I chose mobile marketing as an NLU because I am curious of the new development
in the future using mobile as an marketing tool in the future. This decision was based on one of my 5 strength that I found out in what is in my backpack (futuristic)
because I love think about the future.
The other NLU I choose is Spanish why because during the lecture what is in my back pack I wrote a master plan where I defined my masterplan to work for the Jordan brand in the Usa
and the two languages in the USA are English and Spanish and I want develop my English learning and I also want to use my growth mind set to learn something
new and that is another language next to my English.
And beside this two NLU´s I also chose fundamentals of Photoshop why because since I Obtained allot of knowledge about html making a webpage
I got inspired to choose fundamental of Photoshop to make pictures professional in order to use this picture in my future website or other business needs.
or assignments whitin international business and nnovations study.
English personal progress
I believe that since I started the Ibis course I was very insecure about my English so I just played it safely whenever
In spoke but following the English lecture from then on I started to learn the English tenses and the English teacher advised me to work allot in the
English grammar book to improve my English grammar and every step or English grammar I learned I implement it directly in my writing and speaking.
And also having an conversation for me was kind of hard for me and so what I did is asking allot of question in the English class or other class just
to feel comfortable or do presentation to talk more, and I also talk with my fellow students allot in English just to feel confidence because it´s quite
hard for me to speak with confidence often, but since I practiced what I just mention to improve my speaking skills I see a much better improvement
since I started it´s not perfect but a good beginning, and I was thinking to choose an NLU elective speaking with confidence in the third term to feel more confidence with my English speaking and articulation.
But for the 1st term I am happy with the upgrades of my writing skills and my speaking skills
for the second block or term I will speak and articulate more with fellow students and try to watch more
ted talks videos and books and maybe choose elective to back up my progress for English in the second term.
Geust lecture and company visits
On Teusday 1 sept we had a presentation from the director of A Lab in the A lab building. His name is Lucas Hendricks and he is 51 years old.
He studied Law- business went to the USA to study at big cities and eventually went to Harvard for six months. And decided to come back to Holland to work as a physical lawyer.
So he gave us allot of example of his study history and his work resume and the most interesting part was that after he gained allot of work experience.
He finally knew what he would like to do by being more related with the public. And that is the reason he set up this A Lab company.
After and during his presentation we had some questions that were answered during his presentation and after.
1. What does the labs contain.
The offer spaces and the people who are coming to renting contain more than renting. The people are not consider them as clients but members.
It’s for creative innovative idea. They have a selection criteria.
They also have a social lab to communicate. They have the culture lab about innovation that has to with culture.
Think about back ground stuff like music, and they also have robotics lab where they have robots who are talking to older people for the ethical part and for the social part.
They have a music lab where people can practice. They also want to combine their music sector into a business about how to earn money with music.
Furthermore they also have a film lab, were they practice to make good television for example.
They also have a broad network internal and external with different stakeholders in the environment. He used a kind of metaphor by saying creativity and innovation have sex kind of good link or connection.
2. What is the difference between your company and a other company that has the same concept as A lab.
A labs focus on different innovation sectors they don’t rely on just one sector that is what makes them different from other companies.
3. Where do you see the company going in 1 year or 2 year time.
He said that he didn’t know yet future will tell the world and everything in it changes rapidly
4. How about the team inside the company is it an international team
They have 42 nationalities, we can say that A lab Is a very diverse internationally group
5. Where does the ideas for innovations from your company comes from.
The ideas really come from the demand from the society, and the environment within the economic companies for instance or from companies that failed in the past
6. What consumer group does your company aim to approach this days
Consumer who want to combine their ideas and creativity into business.
It could be ideas to help people for example the robots.
At the end Lucas Hendricks gave us an guide to his company and showed every lab sector and eventually we went to the roof to see the new upcoming buildings.
It was nice to meet Lucas Hendricks and we learned allot about innovation and his company at the end we all gave him a
small present what actually liked very much it was a nice moment.
The new technics at the last flour at nemo were Led-strips, lithium-ion batteries, Blue gen fuel cell and aluminium solar cooker, and colours.
This new technics where innovative, eco-friendly, and sustainable creative ideas that is aimed for a durable life span.
The reason why this technics are so innovative for example
Led strips organic created in luminous materials are projected in the clothes
to be able to adjust colours peoples mood moment they are in that specific moment.
Lithium – ion batteries are the most suitable energizing form for example cars engine etc.
they are light and efficient.
Bleu gen fuel cell is an innovative energy for decentralized electricity generation that can be used to create natural gas for households restaurants,
and for any other places that need natural gas.
The solar cooker is made of shinny aluminium this cooker is balanced in such a way that it is aimed at the sun to get your meals cooked.
Red colour light and Bleu colour light, there was an experiment that if you shine blue light towards a plant it will get the right nature cells to get a good
and healthy plant but if you use the red light you will get the opposite results and the plant will eventually die.
Also at nemo they research and found out that the colour bleu makes people feel save, or if you use the colour orange for a shop interior
you will surely have bad sales moments because that colour makes people not buy your product, the colour red motivates people to get things done faster and better.
All these technics are very eco-friendly innovative technics that can also help to reduce or maybe solve the global warming in the world.
The technic that I can use in the future for a society or something else is the solar cooker why because it can be used in the third world countries in Africa
For example in those sunny warm countries aimed for households. To cook outside instead of cooking inside and pay such a high price for gas.
By using the solar cooker where all the sunbeams that hit the dish are concentrated in the heating compartment,
so that the pan placed on a rack will be heated up by the concentrated sunlight, this can help to reduce the global warming around the earth.
Paul Ensey
On Monday the 31st of August a well-known guest speaker came to share his life experience and knowledge with the whole IBIS first year class,
he told us about the education what he studied, and his job experience by starting a Bank,
and after 10m years he decided that he wanted to do something different because he was getting sick of his job and from there on he created other
companies but it also failed or something happened and after all this companies and jobs he created a company he liked and loved.
What I learned from Paul Ensley is that we need to do what we love and desire, he said that allot of people are chasing money and make it their objective.
And that is the right way if you want to be successful you need to find yourself know who you are, what you want were you good, be able to challenge yourself.
This things motivated me to take his advice very seriously, he also talked about individual action will lead to no were but collaborative work, in terms
of team work with other people with different skills can lead to great success, he also used allot of clichés do what you want create be innovative,
think at night what you had could do better what you can take to the next day etc.
He now has a company that is worth 15 million and he is enjoying it because he is working or owning a company where he loves to work.
He also learned us that self-intuition never lies.
I am happy that Paul Ensley shared his view of live with us and also for giving us advice what to do in life and what we need to do to be successful.
Harry te riele
On the 2nd of august we had a guest speaker named Harry te Riele,
he is the Co-owner of his company the Dam alternative munt.
So Harry te Riele started with his resume, and the places where he studied, and also about his previous experience etc.
after the introduction he explained us what his company the Dam is all about (They trade, transfer money,
and beside of that they also provide services and sell 2nd stuff. And the dam Is also kind of a consultancy company .)
And what he is aiming for with his company in the future. He also said that his company is an niche practices built upon new value sets.
After that he explained the pitfalls and the good points he faced with his company.
The company of Harry te Riele is run by eleven Rotterdamers, and 400 accountants and they are an non commercially
and the company is active since July 2013.
Harry te Riele explained the possibilities you can have within his company for example that it´s possible to run your own money system
In a monetary diversion process, so actually another way to transfer money etc.
After the introduction Harry showed and presented his PowerPoint in his ppt teach us about the societal
system collection of matching element designed by people what was a very educative to learn.
And also about the sustaining innovation. The thing that caught me of him is how he used his imiagination
to make something into reality and that is what innovaation and creativity is about from my perspectief.