In this webpage I will highlight insight of my how I can be able to process large amounts of information faster and easier than ever before.
I never had a class where I had lecture about information skills in my life so this lecture in term1 provide me information and advice to find information faster and easier
when I need some information for my project or assignments during this year. The information needs to be reliable and useful.
My expectations for information skills where that I will obtain
knowledge about how to receive and get valid information when I do my research.
The things what I learned is how to research on google, through google scholar or google power search in an efficient way
to find information and I also need to look twice if the information is solid and valid for my research question and the thing
what I also learned is that whenever I research on internet I need to have a question in my mind to succeed in my research journey.
During the lecture the materials that made my information skills better are through self-assignment during the lecture.
The knowledge I obtained during information skills is that I implemented the
International world of business assignments to make 5 questions that is related with my event and timeline final assessment presentation.
For instance when we did the IWOB assignment of the poster.
The other information I obtained is also about the databases of IBIS: Lexis Nexus, Business, Insight Global, Business Source Elite, Report linker, OECD.
Business Insights Global (worldwide economic and business information. Use it to make charts
Business Source Elite (full text scholary business journals
Lexis Nexis (archives of international newspapers)
Report Linker (market research reports, company profiles and market statistics from all over the world produced by governments, trade organizations and embassies)
This database is only accessible using Google Chrome
OECD (online library for books, papers and statistics in different subject areas
Spring wise (the latest business trends)
Craap- test
And what I also learned Is about the craap-test it is very handy when you search for information, you're going to find lots of it.
The CRAAP Test is a list of questions to help you evaluate the information you find.
Craap- Test
Found Information
The other thing what I learned how to process your found information.
By this 4 steps
Citations - a word or piece of writing taken from a written work:
Paraphrasing - to repeat something written or spoken using different words, often in a humorous form or in a simpler and shorter form that makes the original meaning clearer
Reference list - a writer or a book, article, etc. that is mentioned in a piece of writing, showing you where particular information was found.
Keep track of your information – information you found and try to save it for later use.
And I also learned how to make the right form of reference list for example
by Record for printed publications at least : Author, year, Title, Publisher.
And record for internet sources: Organization or Author, Date of last revision, Title, Full URL.
And also a good advice is to make a reference list by using the APA form lay-out or style.
And at last the lecturer recommended me to use the program – Mendely it is an reference Manager
that will make citing or creates a reference list in an easier & quicker way and it is free to use and also to be used as a catalogue.
All the information I obtained during information skills was and will be very helpful for me in my International Business
journey for the first year and also of all the other years in ibis journey.