My own perspective by adjusting the meta-skills in my personal development. In this website I will frame 3 of the 5 meta-skills that is relevant to me. Define, Design, Execute based on my 1st term journey in the Ibis program. The meta skills will tell you about the developments of my educational activities.
During the first term of the Ibis program the problems that I encountered or deinfed where my English articulation I had some difficulties with articulation. But I tried to solve it by being more related with my fellow classmate and others within the ibis program, by speaking more with others and not being shy when I talk and also trying to accept the mistakes that I made with my English articulation and also by accepting correction from others when they correct me. The other solutions I also used is by using the internet to listen how you say some sentences properly in English I used allot of Cambridge tools to help me this data that the Cambridge provided me where useful for my progress regarding my English articulation. And I also watch allot of ted talks to obtain valuable knowledge and also by observing how people articulate better. And also during classes for example at fundamentals of business and International world business I forced and learned myself to articulate better whenever I have presentations because I had allot of presentation during the 1t term what enabled me to speak and articulate better. An evidence can be my passing grade for the presentation of IWOB. After this 1st term I can see that the confidence is better and that my articulation has been improved but it need allot of work but it’s a nice start. For the second term I will challenge myself again to develop my articulation so that I can write about my progress in that situation. The key tags that where involved where the environment in terms of IBIS department with all the students Big data- in terms of internet Cambridge site and ted talks. Integrative thinking during my presentation when I need to present in order for people to understand what I am saying. Listening- in terms of accepting the correction from others to obtain it for personal progress.
During my first term of the first year of the Ibis program I did allot of activities that I can relate to ethically sound solutions in order to meet the end user,
through my own learning progress at the international world of business I needed to make a timeline poster presentation
about a topic that must be related with economic, political, social factors in the I used the key activity brainstorming to come up with and topic
and the topic was Revolutionary phones that changed the industry so I research everything that was related with that and I also needed to find an event that
I can combined with this topic. After researching all the data I had to image how I am going to put this in one poster that also included a timeline in it, so
I made a prototype to put all the imagination on one big paper I was actually also using the key activity experimenting to make the prototype and the key tag iteration
in terms of the process of doing something again and again, usually to improve it, after finishing it I saw my visualization on 1 paper. So after that I used the
key tag collaboration in terms of working with people to help to draw my prototype on real big paper and finally after 3 weeks of hard work I designed a poster time line
that had all the factor in it of political, economic, social factors in it. The end results ( see the picture of my poster timeline presentation)
During my first term of the 1st year of the ibis program I executed on an amount of activities of the running business
for instance by involving the Fundamentals of world Business the final assessment was all about making a business model canvas and an analyse report for Frog design
the global design and strategy company firm. But before making this two assignments the lecturer Tom helped me to obtain allot of knowledge and
practices about the canvas model and how to analyse a company through the 9 building blocks of the business model canvas so the final 2 weeks before
the ending of the 1st term the ceo of fog design Amsterdam came to give his guest lecture, so with the obtained knowledge of tom and the guest lecture
information about the company of frog design and some other tools of information the key activity I used where- execution, implementation for all the information
that led me to make a business model canvas of frog design and analyse report. (See picture how I performed the task and activities derived from the activities of
the business case during this process) I used the key activity learning in term of asking tom question when I was stuck with something regarding the making of the final
assessment of making the business model canvas and report analyse.