
Welcome everybody, I am Francesco Balzola, a student at IBIS, I made this passport based on what I managed to understand, from the assessment criteria to the lecturers’ explanations. Here you will find my personal interpretation, of what we were asked to do and how we were asked to do it, my personal interpretation is that we are meant to think back and see beyond the eye and understand what is it that we really learnt, not so much as a scholastic subject but more in a personal development matter. In subjects like FoB, IWoB, English and HTML I think that we develop more practical skills, on the other hand more abstract subjects like thinking and reasoning, what’s in my backpack and information skills are those of which the contents feel more important for us to know and find out about ourselves than actual practical skills that we just need to learn. In subjects that are as I said before more (abstract) there is a lot to apply, everything that we learnt we should be applying now on ourselves in order to keep going more and more towards our potential, I also found it very important for everyone to find their strong and weak points, in order to be able to help the ones that lack our capabilities and be helped by those that are good at what we can’t manage to understand, and in this process it is particularly important to observe and learn from who is helping us because someone’s help is always appreciated but it will not always be there. I think that these subjects are very important for our personal development and are more oriented towards that direction rather than just being notions to be learnt and tasks we will need to perform in the future.