Come Well!
Immortal Albums: for my private desert island
Immortal Fumbles: A physics related hobby of mine
Immortal Gems: There is room for some optimism
Boole: Calculate the Truth Table and Prime Implicants of any Boolean Expression
Man's Image
A CrackPot's Objections To The Game Of Monopoly
Dyslexics of the world...
My favourite facepalm
Five very tough questions: From a real exam
NASA Fakes Moonlanding: Irrefutable evidence!
Permutations: Count or list permuations
Permutations - Variations - Combinations
Profanity and the Weak Mind
Proof by Construction: Find the error ;-)
An introduction to quantum mechanics
Raytracing: A few simple home-made images
Seto's papers on Model Mechanics and Improved Relativity Theory (IRT)
Snake: a very addictive little game.
I'm so sorry...
Special relativity treatment of arbitrarily accelerated motion
Superstition: A friendly warning
A Trivial Refutation of one of Dingle's Fumbles: Sheesh!
Twins, Events and Transformations: The twin paradox
Hit this to mail me.
(-: Dirk Van de moortel ;-)