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An immortal fumble by Androcles (25-Oct-2003)

Help me pretending that I can't see it!
> >> You may have read what you've written, Tom, but it was only "Don't you ever
> >> read what you write? And then THINK about it?", which doesn't need much
> >> thinking about.
> >> Did you ever consider some logical objections to relativity and actually
> >> think? Objections such as I presented in
> >> http://www.androc1es.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Fundamental.htm
> >> which I'm prepared to uphold.
> >
> > Shouldn't you of all people shut your foul mouth about logic?
> >   https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/Gibberish.html
> >   https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/Chuckle.html
> >   https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/AndersenLogic.html
> > And about physics?
> >   https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/SpeedInvariant.html
> >   https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/EnergyConservation.html
> >   https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/Equation.html
> >   https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/Relativist.html
> >   https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/AboutTheories.html
> >
> > Dirk Vdm
> >
> Ah! The fumble-mumbler again reveals the extent of his knowledge of Physics.
> Henri Wilson.

The best thing to do about Twinky fanny d'grumble is to ignore the the
little relativist's clerk, Henry.
If I wasn't replying to your post, I wouldn't have known he was there. The
little shit is on my "can't be seen list". As you can see by his post, it
pisses him off.
As I've said, "Objections such as I presented in
which I'm prepared to uphold.", although that remark was directed to Tom
Roberts, not his pet, yipping and barking with nothing else to say like a
puppy following the hounds after the fox.
Honestly, H, the clerk isn't worth responding to, and that is pure logic.

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