Home Page

As you can see on the side of this page I am Sterre.
Through this website I will tell you more about my personal learning experience, and the ways that I have progressed throughout my school carreer.

This website has a couple of tabs, as you can see above. These diffrent tabs all lead to more insight about me.

School is about my education. It explains why I chose to do the study I am doing now. But it also talk about my previous education. Personal is about me. This is a very broad subject. It's about who I am as a person, what my passions are, what makes me tick, and what my personality is, and how I relate to this. The last topic discussed on this blog will be my learning journey. This will be about how I think that the study that I'm doing now has changed me, and the way I see things.

This website is completly put together by me. In my first term at IBIS (this stands for Internationl Business Innovation Studies) we all took an HTML and CSS class. In here we learned how to code our very own webpages. So with this knowledge we had to create our own website. I must say, in the beginning I didn't know a thing about coding, and during the classes I was convinced this wasn't my forte. But now that I completed the course I am quite happy with my skills, and I enjoyed working on this website very much.

For another one of my classes I had to write a blog. This blog will be linked in the sidebar, so there will be more information about that particular class there.
I hope this will give you a little something to look forward to in terms of this website.
Thank you,

Sterre de Weerd

assessment - Sterre de Weerd 555224 - PSD 1- IBIS passport appraisal- 2814BI114A - chance 1