Meta-skills progress & learning journey term 1
The core of the IBIS study is to improve and eventually possess the five meta-skills that are key in the business innovation sector. The five meta-skills are: DEFINE - DESIGN – EXECUTE – LEARN – LEAD. Every subject that we get has at least one skill that we can improve on. Since it is the first term and thus I have not improved that much, I will explain the things that I did improve. I will tell for every subject what the skills are and how I have improved. At last I will give a reflection on my learning journey from term one.

The subjects for this term were: International World of Business, Fundamentals of Business, PSD1- What’s in my backpack, PSD1- Information Skills, PSD1- Thinking and Reasoning, PSD1-HTML/CSS and English 1
International World of Business (Define, Design, Execute)
During this course I improved on all the three skills, however mostly on “execute”. Every week we had a different assignment about international business and history. We had to do research about the assignment, make a poster or presentation and lastly execute this for the class. Doing this every week enabled me to come out of my comfort zone more and talk about subjects that were not really in my interests.
Fundamentals of Business (Define, Execute, Learn)
Fundamentals of Business was more of a recap for me of what I learned last year at IBMS at Hva. However, we got more into depth with the BMC and I got to learn how to research company’s problems and find solutions for them. Just like IWoB, this course gave me the opportunity to get out of my shell more by presenting and working with other students.
This course was really varied, because it consists of four different subjects that pushed me to develop myself on those subjects and somehow all had a connection with each other. HTML was by far the hardest one, because I have never worked with HTML and my knowledge and experience was zero before I started. 10 weeks later and I know the basics of something that I never thought I would ever learn. By doing HTML I learned really how to define and design. It was a lot of researching, analyzing and implementing. Information skills taught me how to search for information faster and easier and know the relevance and creditability of sources. This linked perfectly to my research for the IWoB timeline. Thinking & Reasoning, I found it very interesting class, because it made me aware of the ways humans think and reason basically. A lot of what we learned, I already knew but I did not know the names, such as, logical fallacies. The way we learned in class was really effective, by first getting the theory then working in groups and presenting a certain subject of the theory, then discuss it with the whole class and lastly write about it on the blog.
English (Execute)
English has always been one of my favorite subjects at school and I want to get really good at it and to achieve that you have to execute what you learned through writing or speaking. This term was more a recap of the English grammar, which is always good to have but I didn’t feel challenged to improve this meta-skill. I would like to get more tests or written assignments to learn from my mistakes and improve my business English.
Reflection on term 1
The last couple of weeks have been very educational, fun but also confusing for me. In the beginning I didn’t know anyone at school and the courses didn’t make any sense to me. The first days were actually so bad that it made me want to quite with IBIS so I decided to make an appointment with Mr. Viets for more explanation and for his advice on whether or not I should continue with this course. After the appointment I decided to stay and finish at least the first semester. I still have to get used to the IBIS system, because it is really different than from what I am used to. Now I know the IBIS system a little bit better and know what I can do better for the second term.
If I have to be honest about my learning journey for term 1 I am not proud and definitely not satisfied with how everything went. Due personal reasons I could not attend all classes at all time and that is actually also the reason why I couldn’t be present during the International World of Business fair. I think another reason for my slow progress for term 1 is that I did not like the study from the start and I did not have the full motivation to continue with the study because of it, which automatically decreased my overall motivation for school and everything that went along with it.
I want and will improve for the second term by being more present at school, work more together with fellow students, not postponing homework and enjoy the classes more. If I look back at the classes, I think they were very interesting and informative and I could have learned more if I was more active during the classes.
I look really forward to the second term and now I have more motivation and knowledge to continue with this course. I have learned from my mistakes and will hopefully not repeat them in the second term. I also look really forward to the NLU’s. I have chosen Speaking with Confidence, Magazine Making and Innovation, Photoshop Fundamentals, NLP: Key to be more effective in work and communication. The reason why I choose Speaking with Confidence is because I am not always that confident when I speak and I want to have the full confidence whenever I speak. Magazine Making and Innovation sounded very interesting, because you do a lot with design and I like to work with designing and being creative. I choose Photoshop Fundamentals, because I recently got really interested in photography and I think this NLU will help me to get the photography world better. Lastly, I choose NLP because for me it is linked to Speaking with Confidence and it will help me how to communicate in an accurate, effective and business-like way to people.
Let's not forget that there is no elevator to success, you have
to take the stairs to achieve what you want.