My backpack
For this subject we had to make a master plan for our future, which can be read below. A reflection on this subject is also given at the end.
What is/are my passion(s)?
I believe that a person can have a lot of passions for a lot of different things. I happen to be one of them. My passions differ from reading books to help people to cooking. Being raised by a super mom who loves to cook and is so passionate about cooking, I also started to be passionate about food and cooking from a really young age. Another great passion of mine is to help people. It doesn’t need to be on certain areas, if I can and want to help people, I will do that. The reason why I love to help people is because it so rewarding. Another passion is to read good books, because they inspire me to become a better person and inspire me on a daily basis. Other passions are fashion, travelling, learning about other cultures, art, and music.
What is/are my talent(s)?
I believe that I do have talents, however I am not at that level to see certain skills of mine as a talent.
My business dream
I don’t have a specific business dream. It’s not like I know what I am going to be or where I want to work. I know that I will give my all to be successful in whatever it is that I’ll be doing. And I definitely don’t want to work for someone else, maybe with someone else but not for.
My definition of success
My definition of success consists of two parts. You can be financially successful and emotionally successful. Being financially successful means having a lot of money. Emotionally successful means knowing and feeling that you have accomplished the things that you wanted to accomplish. Combine the two and you have the ultimate success.
Long-term goal
My long-term goal is finding the ultimate success that I mentioned above.
Short-term goal(s)
To achieve my long-term goal I have to be as healthy as I can and to absorb as much knowledge as I can. However, I cant really say these are short-term goals, because this is something that I want to do and have for the rest of my life and the goals that go along with it are long-term. Short-term goals would be improving myself and challenging myself for more and better.
This will be done by finishing school, reading books regularly, having good intellectual conversations with inspiring and wise people, working out, eating healthy and surrounding myself with good people.
The commitment that I have for all of this is in my mind and heart and I do not like it to tell other people about it. “Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express, not to impress. Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt.”
Reflection: What’s in my backpack
What’s in my back class was really an eye-opening class for me. It got my attention from the beginning of the class, because the core of the class was how to maximize your potential to the fullest and that is one of my main goals in life. Everyone has a lot of potential but for different reasons we don’t aim for it. There are three stages of a human’s potential. The first one is you only show a small amount of your potentials. The second one is you have more potential than you think and it is up to you to do something about it or don’t show it. The last one is when you are able to use your full potential. I have to say that this class did improve me a little bit, but that little bit was so effective that it will stay as a fundamental pillar for reaching my full potential along the way. Now you wonder what is it that had an impact on me, right? Well, it was knowing the three stages of potential that really hit me and made me realize there is so much more that I can do. In the beginning of the class I was in the first stage, because I know that I have a lot of potential but I choose not to show it and I never really thought about the reasoning. During the classes we watched a few inspirational videos that really made me think. The way the lecturer taught the class had also an effect on these videos. She explained different viewpoints on how to look at the videos and the true messages about the videos. After this subject I noticed that I entered the second stage of maximizing my potential. I started to see my potentials and how to use them. My progress is not going fast but I will get to the point where I can use my full potential, but I have to take baby steps to get there.