In England
Giclée Reproduction of Oil Painting, limited editions
All the images are the copyright of eHong and Print Fine Art. You may not reproduce or copy them in any way without prior permission. Print Fine Art Home Page
Existing customers include retail and global corporate clients.
Each copy is printed on demand in a studio workshop ( not mass factory produced)
Move mouse over picture to see further info
- description
- price
- dimensions
- name of print
If there is 'pop up' at the mouse cursor install java to your browser or contact us for further info, use the rough guide pricing table below.
Reproduction print prices start at £133 (€200, US$260). These prints aim to reach more people to appreciate and to collect such fine art since one of the original oil paintings from Mr Shi was sold typical for between US$15,000 and US$50,000 for paintings of size 120 X 80 cm.
A video tour of artist's Apr 2007 exhibition in the National Library of Ancient Books in Beijing.
Reasons for buying fine art from "Print Fine Art":-
Great and Famous Original Art -
- fine art which has assured value by great artists, reproductions are limited editions of 300
- cool impressive and expressive art at home, office or business
Presevation of Finess -
- prints are accurately and faithfully reproduced using superlative imaging adjustment technology from eHong and Hewlett Packard, refer to this white paper (Part 2 of 3) for further details
- the end result is compelling and stunningly beautiful prints just as the artist intends it to be
Protection of Investment -
- the durability and permanence of the prints are up to 200 years when kept in normal conditions as tested by Wilhelm Imaging Research, Inc. ; prints are made using market leader and proven Hewlett Packard technology
- replacement by another limited edition can be considered after damage or loss
- the quality is comparable or better than other collectible artwork and therefore commonly found in museums, art galleries, and photographic galleries
- Read this Press Release in which Clare Gough, head of communications and media at the National Gallery said, "Not only is it important to preserve and protect the original paintings, but we must also have high-quality records of the images in case the originals deteriorate beyond our ability to restore them properly, or in case they are ever destroyed by catastrophic events like fire or theft."
Customer Service -
- care and and quality service as you would normally expected in Europe and North America
- prints are carefully reproduced on demand after payment and can take between 10 to 29 days for delivery
- chaque impression Giclée est produite une à la fois après que le paiment ait été reçu. Il faut compter entre 10-29 jours pour la livraison
size longest (mm) |
approx. area units |
Flax Canvas |
400 | 1.0 | £133 (€196) |
550 | 1.9 | £178 (€262) |
600 | 2.3 | £222 (€326) |
720 | 3.2 | £356 (€523) |
800 | 4.0 | £378 (€556) |
910 | 5.2 | £400 (€588) |
1000 | 6.3 | £556 (€817) |
1200 | 9.0 | £623 - £667 (€916 - 980) |
Exchange rate used is €1.47 per £.
Prices are as show on each picture image but the pricing is approximately determined by the length of the longest side of the painting as shown above as a quick rough guide.
Scroll mouse over image to read the dimensions.
100cm and above are the most impressive sizes for the larger home, office or business lifestyle space
The area unit indicates how many time the areas is bigger than the 400mm size, e.g. the biggest size (1200mm) is 9.0 times bigger than the smallest size (400mm) in area.
Canvas price includes the £3 - £7 of varnish which protects the canvas from moisture and scratch.
Canvas that is included in the price is the far superior pure flax type which is 400% more expensive than the cheaper polyester/cotton or pure cotton artists' canvas commonly used by most print shops.
Discounts available for larger (>5 of one picture) or trade orders.
More paintings and photographs will be available here.
Payment Methods Worldwide (£,€,US$) and Checkout