Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Androcles (Dastardly Fiend) (3-Dec-2005)

There is a coordinate 5 hours ago.
"Randy Poe" <poespam-trap@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
> Dastardly Fiend wrote:
>> "Timo Nieminen" <uqtniemi@mailbox.uq.edu.au> wrote in message
>> news:20051203091343.S38271@emu.uq.edu.au...
>> > On Fri, 2 Dec 2005, Dastardly Fiend wrote:
>> >
>> >> "Timo Nieminen" <uqtniemi@mailbox.uq.edu.au> wrote in message
>> >> news:20051203061615.E23975@emu.uq.edu.au...
>> >>> On Fri, 2 Dec 2005, Androcles wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> "Timo Nieminen" <timo@physics.uq.edu.au> wrote in message
>> >>>> news:Pine.LNX.4.50.0512021131080.3265-100000@localhost...
>> >>>>> On Fri, 2 Dec 2005, Androcles wrote:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>> One cannot treat time as though it were
>> >>>>>> a vector, it has no additive inverse.
>> >>>>>> There is no -t such that t+(-t) = 0.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> When is 5 hours earlier than 5 hours later than now?
>> >
>> > [cut]
>> Ok, I've cut as requested.
>> Let's try again:
>> When London is 10,545 miles later than Sydney is 10,545 miles earlier 
>> than London, of course.
>> And of course Sydney is still 10,545 miles from London since my last 
>> reply, and your head is still up your arse.
>> London is a coordinate in position. Sydney is a coordinate.
>> There is a vector London-> Sydney with an inverse vector Sydney-> London.
>> Yesterday is a coordinate in time.
>> Today is a coordinate.
>> Tomorrow is a coordinate.
>> You (have/will)  get from Yesterday to Today to Tomorrow.
>> There is no inverse function Tomorrow -> Today or Today->Yesterday.
>> You hopelessly confuse coordinates with vectors.
> You are confusing the mathematical properties of the vector space with
> the physical properties of what it is modeling.
> There is no way to TRAVEL in the negative direction in time.


> But there most certainly is a vector, a coordinate difference, that
> points backward in time.

In your imagination only. I'm discussing physics, not your dreams.

>> One cannot treat time as though it were a vector, it has no additive
>> inverse.
> Of course it does. You have a mistaken impression of the meaning of
> "additive inverse".

How you can mistake yesterday from tomorow is beyond me.
I think you are fucking crazy.

>> There is no -t such that t+(-t) = 0.
> If t is "5 hours from now" then -t is "5 hours ago". There most
> definitely is such a thing as "5 hours ago".

There is a coordinate 5 hours ago.There is no vector to take you there.
You ARE fucking crazy.

> You can add the value "-5 hours" to
> any time coordinate to obtain a time coordinate 5 hours previous.

Physics. This is physics. We use mathematics to DESCRIBE physics.
We do not invent extra dimensions in physics. We do not invent vectors
where none exist.
You ARE fucking crazy.

>> You can refer to yesterday just as you can refer to London.
>> You can't go to either one instantaneously, and you can never go to
>> yesterday.
> Yes, but that doesn't prevent yesterday from having a perfectly good
> coordinate description.

That's what  I said.  You confuse vectors with coordinates.
You are fucking crazy.

  tau = (t-vx/c^2)/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)
  xi = (x-vt)/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2)

then it logically follows that

  tau = (t-uy/c^2)/sqrt(1-u^2/c^2)
  eta = (y-ut)/sqrt(1-y^2/c^2)


  tau = (t-wz/c^2)/sqrt(1-w^2/c^2)
  zeta = (z-wt)/sqrt(1-w^2/c^2).

You now have more relative time than you can handle.
You are fucking crazy.  Fruitcakes, the lot of you.
Dumb, stooopid, idiotic morons, you all belong in an asylum where
the sane will be safe from you, and all because some huckster thought
he knew any math and made up his own definition of time.
If you are going to use math to describe physics, use it properly.
Learn the basics.

You are BLIND, Poe, and a mental cripple as well.
Every bit as stooopid as the aetherialists. Phuckwits. Like sheep,
you follow each other around, walk in each others shit and think
it's green grass.
Gravity is caused by curved nothing? Baahhhhh, baahhhhh, baahhhhh,
Einstein, bahhhhh,baaaahhhhh, bahhhh, Lorentz, bahhhh, bahhh.

Sheep. Give the youngsters a chance, you stupid old cunt, and fuck off
and die. Your pathetic mentality is insanity and isn't an asset to anyone.
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