> For rotations in the x-t, the element of the metric is +1, which
> gives:
> x' = cosh(A)[x - t tanh(A)]
> t' = cosh(A)[t - x tanh(A)]
> which are lorentz boosts in hyperbolic form.
That's very clever. Let me see....
x t A cosh(A) tanh(A) t' = cosh(A)[t - x tanh(A)]
1.00 0.00 3.14 11.59 1.00 -11.55
I see you've rotated time backwards.
Well done, I congratulate you on your time machine.
"Back to the Future", here we come!
Fumble Index | Original post & context: v49Mb.14590$6L3.1854@news-binary.blueyonder.co.uk |
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