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An immortal fumble by David Strich (aka iqgoogol@gmail.com aka ...) (4-Sep-2008)

On Sep 4, 2:10 pm, "Dirk Van de moortel"
<dirkvandemoor...@nospAm.hotmail.com> wrote:

   reconstruct context from msgid <iwVvk.421847$JM.171553@newsfe16.ams2>

> iqgoogol@gmail.com <iqgoogol@gmail.com>
> aka strich.999
> aka ...
> wrote in message
>  3a5d8987-21c1-4ebd-8780-18c3bf4ea64c@s9g2000prg.googlegroups.com
>> On Sep 4, 7:19 am, Ian Parker <ianpark...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> ...This has long since ceased to be an argument about the merits of Relativity.
>>> - Ian Parker
>> A theory that cannot stand without PR crutches must be really frail...
> A wimp that cannot even reveal his own name must be really frail...
> Very frail as a matter of fact:
>     https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/CrapReconstruction.html
>     https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/NotDeparting.html
>     https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/StupidPremises.html
>     https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/ImbecileScience.html
>     https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/MoreBananas.html
>> Good theories, like QED, stand solidly on their own merit...
> QED = relativistic quantum field theory.
> If relativity needs PR crutches, then so does QED.
> Dirk Vdm
Well if it isn't the Dork pulling tricks from his treasure chest of
misquotes (his surrogate girlfriend)
Do you see an R in QFT?

Let me repeat that: Do you see an R in QFT?

                                 [ Note - both QED and QFT are relativistic ;-) ]
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