Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Ken Seto (18-Aug-2012)

The imposible inverse square law
On Friday, 17 August 2012 18:26:29 UTC-4, Dirk Van de moortel  wrote:
> "Steve Watson" <o4sh3g@katamail.com> wrote in message
> news:de3a8856-cbff-40c4-8ee1-c4acb4634799@oi9g2000pbb.googlegroups.com
>> On Aug 17, 10:02 pm, kenseto <seto...@att.net> wrote:
>>> These SRians claimed that:
>>> 1. The decrease pitch of a receding siren is due to the reduce
>>> amplitude of the waves arriving at the detector....not by the
>>> decrease number of waves arrive at the detector per unit time.
>>> 2. The increase pitch of an approaching siren is due to the increse
>>> of amplitude of the waves arriving at the detector....not by the
>>> increase number of waves arrive at the the detector per unit time.
>> Why wont you better post the link to those fumbles
>> Best regards
> Maybe this helps:
>    https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/Fumbles/WavesTelephonePole.html
> :-)
Hey idiot...The inverse square law says that you runts of the SRians are wrong.
If decrease in intensity is due to decrease in amplitude alone then you would
not be able to see light sources billions of light year away.
What is sad is that you runts don't realize that intensity is both amplitude 
and frequency dependent. Amplitude of a wave can be increase during generation 
whereas frequency of a light beam is distant dependent because of the inverse 
square law. 
I suggest that you go learn some physics before you put anybody in your 
self-assumed fumble page.
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