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An immortal fumble by Koobee Wublee (16-Nov-2011)

Rebuttal by frantic shrugging
On Nov 15, 5:57 am, "Dirk Van de moortel" wrote:

> I showed him this once, a few years ago:
>    https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/TwinsEvents.html.

Still wrong after all these years.  <shrug>

Face it.  There is no resolution to the twins’ paradox.  <shrug>

Only fools among them Einstein Dingleberries believe in the nonsense.

These fools don’t understand how to properly apply the Lorentz
transform.  These fools violate the essence of SR by preferring one
frame of reference over the other.  These fools are Daryl McCullough,
Dirk Van de moortel, and Paul Andersen.  It is interesting that Paul
Andersen remains silent.  Does he realize his own mistake after
reading His posts?  Why is PD silent?  Does PD not endorse the shit of
Daryl McCullough and Dirk Van de moortel?  Where is Tom?  He knows Tom
is reading His posts.  Hi, Tom.  Do you agree with Daryl McCullough?

Yes, anything you write down can be used against you later on.
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