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Dutch version

Above is a picture of Albert van de Peut. Presumably, Albert van de Peut is located as the 5th person, beside his elder brother Gerrit (4th from left). Picture taken at estate "de Boom" located at the border between Woudenberg and Leusden.

Between 1890 and 1898, queen Emma was taking care of business in Holland. During her reign, she once arrived at the trainstation of Rhenen. From there she had to continue her travel using 2 carriages; the wagoner of carriage 2 was Albert van de Peut.

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Pictures of a number of children of Albert van de Peut and Hendrikje Beek:

Albertus Peut

Hendrik (Henk) van de Peut

Christiaan (Chris) van de Peut

Willempje van de Peut

Gijsbert (Gijs) van de Peut

Christina(Stien) van de Peut

Another picture of Willempje van de Peut at older age.

Albertus Peut and his daughter Rika (Hendrika Gerdina) at the wedding of his son Aart Peut

The brothers Hendrik (Henk) and Christiaan (Chris) and sister Christina (Stientje) emigrated to the United States. One can still find data about this in some American archives. A useful search site is www.familysearch.org. Also the archives of Ellis Island can be searched online (for free, after registration).

The first one to emigrate in 1910 is Christiaan (Chris). Sometime in 1916 he married with Jenny Willemsen (Williamson).

Christiaan van de Peut and his wife Jenny Willemsen (Jenny Williamson) at their wedding in 1916. Their first child, daughter Josephine, was born in 1916.
Christiaan, Josephine en Albert Josephine en Albert
Albert, Christiaan and Josephine vander Peut Josephine and Albert vander Peut

Their son Albert was born in 1920, and in that same year Jenny dies. As can be read on the form at census from 1930 Christiaan relocates with his daughter and son to the home of his parents in law.

The farm where Christiaan en Albert resided. The farm of Albert vander Peut.

On the next page more van be read about Christiaan van de Peut and his descendants in the US.

Christiaan's sister Christina (Stientje), married with Jan van Ginkel on February 9, 1917 in Woudenberg. They emigrated together from Woudenberg to the United States, with the vessel "de Noordam".

Christina van de Peut and Jan van Ginkel arrive at Ellis Islang (NY) on May 31, 1917. This can be read on the Noordam passengerlist: (the original scan can be found at the site of Ellis Island.)

To zoom in, hoover the mouse above the picture; keep the left mouse button pressed and mouse moving forward or backward = zoom-in and zoom-out, with left mouse button pressed and mouse moving left or right = larger or smaller zoom window.

During their trans-Atlantic voyage, Christina and John had famous companionship, on lines 21 to 24 one can read that also the Balkenende family traveled with them... According to the passengerlist, John has an amount of 80 US dollars with him, but a handwritten note says that together they own 300 US dollars. Also interesting to note (lines 12 and 13) is, that John van Ginkel already visited the USe in 1909 (in Kilduff, Iowa) and 1916 (in Grovant, Wyoming). This time, they travel together to his "Br.i.l." = Brother in law = Christiaan van de Peut, who resides in Reasnor, Iowa. Further below more info about Reasnor, and the descendants of Christiaan van de Peut. Reasnor is located only 24 miles (40 km) from the town of Pella.

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A few years later they have apparently settled at the west coast of the US, close to the Canadian border. This can be deduced from their mentioning as contact person for another brother of Christina, Hendrik, who also moved to the US and mentions his brother in law and sister as contact person. About Hendrik it can still be read that he crossed the Canadian border three times, in the border town of Sumas (Washington), see Border Crossings From Canada to United States, 1895-1956:

  1. August 28, 1924
  2. January 16, 1926
  3. December 21, 1927

On all those three form, Mr. John van Ginkel is mentioned as contact person upon arrival in the US, who had by then already moved from Reasnor or Pella (hometown of Christiaan), to Sumas on the west coast. There's also a 1930 census form about the family of John van Ginkel, this form states that the family consists of John, his wife Christina, and their son Henry, and brother in law Henry. Interesting to note is that the name of Hendrick van de Peut had been (temporary) changed into "Henry Vander Pret". The form also states that together they lived in the town of Delta, county Whatcom, state of Washington (Delta is located close to the Canadian border).

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Christina (Stientje) van de Peut with her son Hennie (Henry) at the age of 10 weeks (according to the writing on the picture); Hennie was born on November 3, 1919. Christina (Stientje) with her son Hennie (Henry)

A picture of Henry van Ginkle at middle age.

Henry van Ginkle died on December 7, 2011 and has been buried at Monumenta Cemetery in Lynden (WA). Henry van Ginkle served in the US Army during the 2nd World War, in Northern Africa and Italy. After the war he married with Georgia Lillian Hague, in Vancouver (WA), on February 8, 1946. They started living in Lynden, the same place as where he had spent his youth. His wife Georgia died in 1991. Their two sons Henry (Rhonda) van Ginkle (in Cleveland, GA) and Rod van Ginkle (Issaquah, WA) also got children and grand children.

On the following page you can read more about Christiaan van de Peut and his descendants in the US.

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Replies by email are welcome at peut@hetnet.nl (T. van de Peut)

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