Showcase B1.2

Nikki Butter


Feedback B1.1

”Nikki has displayed an adequate B1.1 performance, having overall positive feedback from her coaches and having a simple yet convincing showcase.
Nikki, possibly due to her background, extracurricular activities and previous ID experience at the Hogeschool had a head start this semester, and it shows. Her vision shows some in-depth thinking, and I expect, will develop well over the coming years.
Nikki's personal fight is between her chaotic nature and her perfectionism. Planning (not her natural thing), prioritization and choosing achievable goals will be her challenge - probably for a considerable part of her education.”
- P. van de Graaf, assessor B1.2


During my previous semester I encountered a couple of personal problems, which, added up, made it impossible for me to also work on my project. I decided not to finish this semester and to try again this year. Therefore my H-verdict is caused by the fact that I did not participate in assessment.

PDP goals

In the link below my personal development plan from the start of this semester can be found. In this plan I have described my goals for this semester. In this document you can also see how my vision changed during the last semester. More about my changed vision and the goals can be found in the chapter ‘Future’.