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An immortal fumble by Henri Wilson (30-Dec-2008)

Zero aptitude for the subject
On Mon, 29 Dec 2008 19:23:06 -0800 (PST), PD <TheDraperFamily@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Dec 29, 5:13 pm, hw@..(Dr. Henri Wilson) wrote:
>> This experiment involves three observers and a rod. Initially, O1, O2 and the
>> rod are MAR. O3 is moving away at v wrt the others.
>> O1 O2|-----L-------| O3->v
>> The rod length is L in O1's frame.
>> According to SR, the rod's length is contracted to L/gamma in O3's frame.
>> The rod is now accelerated to the right until it reaches v wrt O1 and is at
>> rest with O3.
>> According to SR, the rod's length has increased to L in O3's frame but has
>> contracted to L/gamma in O1's frame. Its length remains the same in O2's frame.
>> So according to SR, the rod length has increased, decreased and remained the
>> same, all in the one operation.
>> It should be pretty obvious to anybody with even half a brain what actually
>> happened to the rod.
> Yes indeed, just as the momentum of the rod has increased, decreased
> and remained the same, all in one operation.
> Now, Henri will tell you, "But length is DIFFERENT." But try as he
> might, he can't seem to pin down what the difference is.

Diaper, I really think you should stop contributing to physics NGs. You have
zero aptitude for the subject.
Try alt.tiddlewinks...

Henri Wilson. ASTC,BSc,DSc(T)

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