Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Mike (aka Bill Smith aka Eleatis aka Undeniable) (18-Sep-2006)

I don't get it - Wooaoua!!!
DiRk VaN DeR MoOrTel wrote in: 


"The relativistic composition of velocities is valid in globally 
intertial frames -which don't exist in nature-, and locally in 
sufficiently restricted inertial frames, which are too small 
when you have cosmic expansion in mind. 
What a transparent strawman." 

Of course I agree with the first part that: "The relativistic 
composition of velocities is valid in globally intertial frames -which 
don't exist in nature" and that is why SR does not belong to nature at 

Wooaoua!!!!!!!!!!  "...locally in sufficiently restricted inertial 
frames, which are too small..." 

What in the world is a "sufficiently restricted inertial frame" Dork? 
Can you point us to one? 

Another immortal fumble by the great SRian, jumper_all_over_the_place, 
almost action_at_a_distance in replying, Dork Bon Far MooMer 

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