Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Ken Seto (16-Jun-2004)

"Weak charge" as opposed to "normal Charge"
> P.S.  As Bilge said, neutrino-electron scattering *does* occur, AND has
> been observed for decades, because of the *weak* charge of the neutrino.
> Ken, of course, is unaware of this because he's never read a scientific
> paper in his life.

Ah...so electron neutrinos have "weak" charge. What is "weak charge" as
oppose to normal charge? Does that mean that the electromagnetic field
of the neutrinos is weak compared to that of the electrons? This is simply
explained that the complete electromagnetic field of the neutrinos is not
detected by the elctrons.... due to that some part of the neutrinos'
electromagnetic field is dissipated by the time the electrons are in a
position to react to it.
This is due to the helical motion (chirality) of the neutrinos moving away
from the electrons.

I figure that you are too stupid to understand that. Why? Because you
are a runt of the learned SRians.
Definiton for a runt of the learned SRians:
A moron who thinks that SR is a religion. An idiot who doesn't
know the limitations of SR. A mental midget who can't
comprehend beyond what he was taught in school. An imbecile
who follows the learned SRians around like a puppy and eats
up their shits like gourmet puppy chow. An Asshole who will
attack anybody who disagrees with SR.

Ken Seto
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