Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Ken Seto (11-Jul-2003)

The Ultimate Definition of Absolute Motion
What Is Absolute Motion???

The answer:

1. Absolute motion is that motion of an object in a stationary and
structured aether.

2. Absolute motions of two objects in the same direction makes the objects
converge to each other---an attractive force.

3. Absolute motions of two objects in the opposite directions makes the
objects diverge from each other---a repulsive force.

4. An object will maintain its state of absolute motion in the stationary
aether unless an applied force is delivered to it.

5. Relative motion between two objects is the vector difference of their
absolute motions.

6. In a gravity environment such that of the earth different altitudes
represent different states of absolute motion even though that there is no
relative motion between the different altitudes.

7. For a more detail description of this concept please read the following
link: http://www.Journal-Of-Idiotics.com/Links/Papers/Seto.pdf

Ken Seto
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