Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Marcel Luttgens (7-Sep-2005)

"Who are the true crackpots?"
Who are the true crackpots, those who adopt a scientific attitude,
or those brainwhashed SRists who blindly, and sometimes pathologically,
espouse the SR tenet?

For instance, the physical incoherence of the Lorentz transformation
    t' = gamma (t - vx/c^2)
is obvious when using its equivalent form
    t' = t/gamma + tau/gamma - tau*gamma,
    tau = (x-vt)/v.

Indeed, t/gamma and tau/gamma both imply that S' moves relatively
to S, whereas tau*gamma implies that S moves relatively to S'.
Clearly, the Lorentz time transformation is physically nonsensical
because S' cannot logically be at rest and *simultaneously* moving
wrt S.

But the SR crackpots, like all doctrinarians, despise logic.

Marcel Luttgens
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