I rarely read any of Dinky van de Torquemada's gibberish since he seldom wants to discuss relativity anyway, but in a reply to 'Ghost in the Machine' I happened across Quote: | > That's elementary linear algebra... | > | > For instance, one (!) event with x = 0 and any t, | > also satisfies the equation | > x' = -vt' Unquote. [ Note to reader: The quote is nicely pulled entirely out of context from http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=4129cab7@usenet01.boi.hp.com ;-) ] Since Einstein defined x' = x-vt, when x = 0 then x' = -vt, and not -vt' as Dinky the Deranged claims, from which it follows that t' = t. Doubtless the spermless one will now argue that he really meant chsi = x - v.tau but of course I can only chuckle since the stupid fuck attempted to ridicule me over the same issue. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Androcles |
Fumble Index | Original post & context: F%uWc.5695$Ya6.70792365@news-text.cableinet.net |