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An immortal fumble by Androcles (Hexenmeister) (1-May-2006)

A tiny mind's visualization of a transformation
"Spoonfed" <good4usoul@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
| Peter Christensen wrote:
| > Isn't it possible to visualize the Lorents Transformation (LT) like this: A
| > rotation and a scaling? -Like for example illustrated on the second figure @
| > http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/March01/Carroll3/Carroll1.html. I
| > would like to do it like this in the (x,t)-plane. Because, both a rotation
| > and a scaling are easier to visualize that the LT itself.
| >
| Let me ask a simpler question.  Can you visualize the Galilean
| Transformation as a rotation?

 x' = x-vt
 t' = t

(not t' = t- vx)

 xi = x' / sqrt(1- (dx/dt)^2)
tau = t' * sqrt(1- (dx/dt)^2)

LT = f(g(x,t))

Fucked up:
1)   eta = y / sqrt(1- (dy/dt)^2) = y
2)  zeta = z / sqrt(1- (dz/dt)^2) = z
3) Your tiny mind.

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