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An immortal fumble by Len Gaasenbeek (30-Jun-2005)

Relativity used by terrorists!

"Pentcho Valev" <pvalev@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/06/29/healthscience/sntime.php :
> "If general relativity, Einstein's theory of gravity and space-time,
> allows for the ability to go back in time, asks David Albert, a
> physicist and philosopher at Columbia University, "how can it be a
> logically consistent theory?"
> Pentcho Valev
To Pentcho,

Why pick on the possibility of being able to go back in time to invalidate
Einstein's theories?
Of course it is nonsense, but it is only one of many aspects of Einstein's
theories (and quantum mechanics) which don't make sense.

Relativistic physics has corrupted the English language, mathematics, the
scientific method, and the use of logic.  It also has affected our sense of
right and wrong, by claiming that everything is relative, depending on how
you look at it.  The latter has been used by terrorists to justify their
murderous acts because "the end justifies the means".

Relativistic physics is such a morass of distorted thinking and articles of
faith that it has become a cult.  Consequently, to question any aspect of
Relativity implies that one is a heretic, who must be silenced at all costs
to preserve the faith.

In short, it is impossible to have a meaningful discussion with someone who
talks nonsense.

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