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An immortal fumble by Androcles (28-Jun-2004)

Does the term "tautology" come to mind?
"Dirk Van de moortel" <dirkvandemoortel@ThankS-NO-SperM.hotmail.com> wrote
in message news:o6yDc.167462$Z%7.8497177@phobos.telenet-ops.be...
| "Dirk Van de moortel" <dirkvandemoortel@ThankS-NO-SperM.hotmail.com> 
| wrote in message news:KDdCc.4526$Yf1.2176@news.cpqcorp.net...
| > A few posters recently showed having some 'minor'
| > difficulties with the concept of square roots:
| [snip]
| > So we have:
| >     sqrt(x^2) = x   for all x >= 0
| >     sqrt(x^2) = -x   for all x <= 0
| >
| > And we have:
| >     IF  x >= 0  THEN  sqrt(x^2) = x
| >     IF  x <= 0  THEN  sqrt(x^2) = -x
| >
| For fun, I asked a friend to check how packages like Maple
| and Mathematica react to an expression like sqrt(x^2).
| Result:
|    https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Stuff/SqrtMapMath.gif
| Dirk Vdm

Let's see if it works then.
x = sqrt(1).
What is x?
Well well...
If x = 1 then x = 1.
If x = -1 then x = -1.

Let x = Dinky.
If Dinky is a moron then Dinky is a moron.
Does the term "tautology" come to mind?
This way, x = moron(Dinky) is ALWAYS positive.

Androcles :-)
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