Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Marcel Luttgens (18-Aug-2004)

How to be stupid and "How to lie with statistics"
> > About Goldhaber et al.'s paper, I would like to add:
> > 
> > When the 53 SNe data are globally analysed, one gets
> > w = -0.002 z + 1.24, with a correlation coefficient -0.002
> Huh? Make up your mind. Is the number -0.002 the slope of the
> line in the w-z-diagram, or is it the correlation coefficient?

It is the slope, and by mere chance, also the correlation coefficient.
If you statistically analysed the 53 data, you would get the same result.

> Or don't you understand the difference between those two quantities?
> And: where did you get these numbers from? I don't find them in
> the article. 

They are indeed not in the article. This makes me think of a book entitled:
"How to lie with statistics".
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