Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by James Driscoll (Spaceman) (23-Jan-2006)

Spaceman defines straight and curvature

Spaceman wrote:
> "PD" <TheDraperFamily@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:1138037489.457311.90250@g43g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
| > | I think it's important first to define what straight means, before
| > | deciding whether light's path is straight or not. You seem to be stuck
| > | in the loop: "I don't know what 'straight' is, but I sure as heck know
| > | light ain't it!"
| >
| > I am not stuck in any loop,
| > It is those that think light is straight all the time that would be
| > close to being stuck in a loop.
| >
| > Defining what straight is is simple as far as most people are concerned.
| > It is as simple as...For something to be straight, it must have no
| > curvature.
| And curvature is defined as...?

you are sadly creating your own loopage in your brain.

If you can see a bend in the line you draw from any angle,
It is simply not straight.
If you can not see a bend in the line from any angle you view such from
it is straight.

It is real sad you have no clue about straight or curved things.
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