Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Androcles (Hexenmeister) (28-Apr-2006)

Verified research? You are spouting hearsay
"Jerry" <Cephalobus_alienus@comcast.net> wrote in message 
| Hexenmeister wrote:
| > "Jerry" <Cephalobus_alienus@comcast.net> wrote in message
| > news:1146179682.902143.95740@u72g2000cwu.googlegroups.com...
| > | Hexenmeister wrote:
| > | > "Jerry" <Cephalobus_alienus@comcast.net> wrote in message
| > |
| > | > |The discrepancy between 5557 predicted and 5600 observed
| > | > | is the ANOMALOUS precession, unexplainable by Newtonian mechanics.
| > | >
| > | > Show your calculations.
| > |
| > | Not my calculations,
| >
| > Then you are spouting hearsay. That doesn't work even at the low
| > level of proof required in law, let alone in mathematics where absolute
| > proof is demanded.
| > I can snip too, arrogant fucking idiot.
| You call research repeatedly confirmed by hundreds of astronomers
| and physicists since Le Verrier's first reports in 1843 heresay?

From you, yes, it's hearsay.
Witness for the defense has shown no evidence, your honour.
I ask that evidence be presented or the testimony be stricken from
the record and the winess be instructed not to repeat it.

And you snipped. That's your childish game, I'll play it too.
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