Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Androcles (17-May-2004)

Just some advice, don't be offended
 > So what is a "Mortor"?
| > Androcles
| I do not know how to spell it.  Mortor is susposed to be the heavy
| high shooting cannon. Or the tube shooting rocket.  My rocket is
| tube-less.
| It is really just a mortor analogy for the small heavy rocket with a
| short range.

Since you spelt it correctly ("mortar") in the sentence following,
I suggest you employ using a spelling checker if you wish to be taken
seriously. Otherwise your spelling will instantly label you as incompetent.
Just some advice, don't be offended.
 Fumble Index  Original pos & context: wx3qc.2146$h73.22544548@news-text.cableinet.net