Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Barry Mingst (greywolf42) (23-Jun-2003)

Simple Clock Sychronisation Method.
> For instance, all of these methods are equivalent in SR:
> 1) (Einstein's method 1) from the midpoint of clocks A and
>    B fire a light pulse and set both clocks to 0 when the
>    pulse reaches them.
> 2) (Einstein's method 2) place a mirror at clock B, and send
>    a light signal A->B->A via the mirror, adjust the clocks so
>    when such a signal reaches B it reads a value that is
>    midway between the values when the signal leaves and
>    reaches A.
> 3) (Einstein's method 3) measure the distance L between clocks
>    A and B, fire a light signal A->B and set them so their
>    difference is L/c when such a signal leaves/arrives.
> 4) (slow clock transport) place clocks A and B adjacent to
>    each other and set them to read the same time; slowly
>    move them to their desired locations. Ideally this works
>    only in the limit as the movement goes to 0 velocity.
> 5) (variation on 1) use method 1, but with bullets or some
>    other signal that you believe has an isotropic speed.
> 6) (variation on 2) use method 2, but with bullets or some
>    other signal that you believe has an isotropic speed.
> Besides: if you think the above methods of clock synchronization somehow
> "hide reality" from us, how do you suggest we should synchronize clocks?

The same, simple way it's done for the rest of the universe -- besides the
priests of relativity.  Sychronise the clocks and place them at A and B.

ubi dubium ibi libertas
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