Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Ken Seto (20-May-2003)

Proposed Seto's Transformation Equations
Proposed Seto's Transformation Equations:
A and B are in relative motion:

x'= x- t(Faa-Fab)(lambda)
t'= t- x(Faa-Fab)/(Faa^2)(lambda)

A is the observer's frame (unprimed) and B is the observed frame (primed).
Faa = frequency of a standard light source in A's frame as measured by A.
Fab = frequency of an identical light source in B's frame as measured by A.
If Fab is not constant the mean value is used.
lambda = wave length of the standard light source in A's frame as measured
by A.

These transform equations are valid in all environments ---including

Ken Seto
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