Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Ken Seto (4-Dec-2006)

Seto's way of taking a compliment

"Tom Roberts" <tjroberts137@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> kenseto wrote:
> > The decay length for a muon moving wrt the observer:
> >
> > 1. In the rest frame of the Lab a muon decays in 2.2*10^-6 seconds.
> > However, a muon moving with respect to the Lab will have a longer decay 
> > time of gamma(2.2*10^-6) seconds.
> >
> > 2. Therefore from the Lab point of view the decay length for a traveling
> > muon is:
> > gamma*v(2.2*10^-6) meters
> > Where v is the relative velocity between the Lab and the traveling muon.
> > This interpretation for the decay length of a traveling muon agrees with
> > experimental observations.
> Congratulations! Finally you said something that is actually correct.

You are wrong. Almost all of what I said are correct. Also since you agree
with what I said then you must realize that there is no such thing as time
dilation. Instead of time dilation the traveling muon's clock second is
worth (gamma)(earth clock second). BTW that's the reason why all observers
measure the speed of light to be a constant math ratio as follows:
Light path length of ruler (299,792,458m long physically)/the absolute time
content for a clock second co-moving with the ruler.
> (There are minor issues with phrasing, such as 2.2 usec is the mean
> lifetime -- it's not fixed as your words suggest...)

Yes of course.

Ken Seto
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