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An immortal fumble by Mike (aka Bill Smith aka Eleatis aka Undeniable) (23-Jun-2004)

Having real troubles with basic algebra?
> And we have: 
>     IF  x >= 0  THEN  sqrt(x^2) = x 
>     IF  x <= 0  THEN  sqrt(x^2) = -x 
> I hope this helps. If only just a little bit ;-) 
> Dirk Vdm 

Having real troubles Dirk with basic algebra? No wonder. You are a 
major crank. 

The square root function of x, sqrt(x) is the inverse function of
f(x) = x^2, for all x greater or equal to 0. 

Cranky Dirk, if x <= 0 then X^2 >= 0, let it be equal to X, and the 
"principle" square root of X is a positive number x such that
x^2 = X, while there is another square root of X equal to -x. 

Many crackpots like you confuse the definition of absolute value with 
that of the square root simply because they do not understand the 
meaning of an inverse function. 

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