Title: The Zero Postulate Ether Eric Prebys wrote in message news:3E775CDB.8090100@fnal.gov... > Harold Ensle wrote: > > It is often claimed that while ether theory might correspond > > to experiment, it is unappealing because one has to > > postulate so much (as if SR didn't have to), but the fact is, > > one does not have to postulate anything. One simply > > correctly applies classical E&M and he obtains all > > the necessary effects naturally. > > > > First, assuming that classical E&M applies to all > frames *is* a postulate, you moron. Do you have a reading comprehension problem? Obviously there is no postulate free theory. However, this theory has two less postulates than SR. In other words, Einstein utilized two special postulates over and above those of classical E&M, which as I mention above, are not needed. |
Fumble Index | Original post & context: b58e8c$270$1@slb5.atl.mindspring.net |