Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Androcles (22-Nov-2004)

Pythagoras revisited
> The curve of? I looked at it. I read what your page says, but you are 
> being intentionally vague. What does it mean. If it is such clear 
> proof of your point, share it with us.

I am being intentionally clear, you are being intentionally accusatory
and intentionally unwilling to absorb the data and think. Einstein was
intentionally a huckster. If you are interested in physics, I'd advise 
you not to be intentionally ignorant.
You can't expect to learn all at once, it takes time.

These are facts.

1) Light is not one wave, but two. Electric and magnetic.
Each field creates the other and then collapses. E = dB/dt. B = dE/dt.
Solving gives E.sin(omega.t) = B.cos(omega.t). The energy
W = sqrt ( [ E.sin(omega.t)]^2 + [ B.cos(omega.t)]^2) is constant, by
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