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An immortal fumble by Vilas Tamhane (20-Sep-2012)

Psychological projection at its very best
On Wednesday, September 19, 2012 11:18:01 AM UTC-7, Dirk Van de
moortel wrote: 
> <vilastamhane@gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:b7910314-11d2-4462-bb10-fc97ff387186@googlegroups.com
>> On Wednesday, September 19, 2012 9:51:11 AM UTC-7, paparios wrote:
>>> El miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2012 11:37:30 UTC-4, Vilas Tamhane
>>> escribió:

>>>> Is this vulture called Dirk worth talking to?

>>> Dirk and
>>> many others have been here for more then ten years and, different
>>> form your case, we have formally studied the subject. So the
>>> question really is why we should talk with you, who has shown lots
>>> and lots of ignorance on basic physics?

>> You are absolutely right. There is no reason for non experts to teach
>> experts, provided experts behave like experts.
>> Remember that physics is at the top of scientific hierarchy. This is
>> because it is physics that discovers how nature works. Difficulty in
>> discovering these fundamental mechanisms can be gauged by the fact
>> that only after about 3000 years of human endeavor and speculations,
>> Newton discovered so simple a fact as gravitation.
>> Present day physics cannot be called physics at all. It is nothing
>> but mathematical acrobatics with total disregard to reason and logic.
>> This only proves that science is hijacked by vested interests for
>> their selfish ends. This is the reason why criticism is completely
>> absent among the scientific community. In a healthy system we would
>> have witnessed vigorous discussions among the scientist themselves.
>> So what you presently witness is not a crackpot venture. It is a
>> rebellion by impoverished outsiders.
>> They know it, you know it and my dear Paparios, if what we talk was
>> all garbage, then people like Tom, Dirk and Big Dog wouldn’t have
>> wasted their time replying to nonsense. They are obviously fighting
>> for the system that is under threat.

> There's no need to flatter yourself, little garbage moron :-) I
> can't speak for Tom or for Big Dog or for still others. I suspect
> they're here to help where they can, and/or to improve their patience
> and/or to hone their explaining skills. I am also here because I'm
> interested in the behavioural psychology of the arrogant ignorant
> mind. There's a few pointers to some slightly relevant articles here:
>    https://home.deds.nl/~dvdm/dirk/Physics/ImmortalFumbles.html
> You are one of the recently arrived schoolbook examples of this.
> Apart from your reputation perhaps, there is nothing under threat
> here, trust me ;-)
> Dirk Vdm         

Obviously you are lying. I am not surprised. You should first
introspect and think why you behave like a criminal. Fact that you
cannot say a single sentence without using expletive is a proof that
you and others wish to keep the portals of your religion free of
those who try to enter.    
Big Dog and others are here to test their patience? Why the hell they
are angry in the first place? This is a peculiarity you will find
among Taliban or even among most of the common people when their
religion is attacked. You folks here are worse than common people.
You are the Taliban on this news group.   
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