Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Mike (aka Bill Smith aka Eleatis aka Undeniable) (19-Aug-2005)

A Fun Playground for Irrelevant Remarks
Sam Wormley wrote:
> Don1 wrote:
> > There are three phases of acceleration:
> >
> > 1) Acceleration is positive
> >
> > 2) Deceleration is negative
> >
> > 3) Rest is the balance; between positive and negative: Like a body
> > being restrained.
> >
> > All acceleration is due to one or more forces; acting during time.
> >
> > Don

>    You are f...ed in the head Shead... Acceleration is defined as
>      http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/Acceleration.html
>      a = dv/dt = d^2r/dt^2
>    A block of wood sitting on a kitchen table has *zero* net force
>    acting on it (from the frame of the kitchen) for you can plug in
>    the numbers to
>      F = ma
>      0 = m*0
>      No acceleration!

No Sam, 0 = ma ---> a = 0 ---> v - v0 = 0 ( by integration, if you ever
have done one) but v0 = 0 ---> v = 0, i.e the body is at rest.

Good work Sam. I wonder if Dirt Van der Looten will be fair enough to
place your answer in infamous Pandora's box. You impecile, if you
continue you will derive the Lorentz transform. hahahahahahahah

Isn't sci.physics a fun playground people?

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