Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Marcel Luttgens (24-Sep-2005)

"But you are plainly wrong"
Ha ha ha !!!

But you are plainly wrong:

G-FORCE F = G*M1*m1 / r1^2            FRAME of REFERENCE:
                = m1*(n - 1)*a_1
                = m1*(n - 1)*v1^2 / r1
       = 4*(pi)^2*m1*(n - 1)*r1 / t1^2
       = 4*(pi)^2*m1*(n - 1)*(ORBiT radius) /(PERiOD sec)^2
       = 4*(pi)^2*m2*(n - 1)*lblob / tblob^2 ,
          not 4*(pi)^2*m2*(n - 1)*lbob / tbob^2 !


Marcel Luttgens
 Fumble Index  Original post & context: