> It's finally dawning on me that you're just trolling, and if that's the > case FuckYou!. If not have a nice day. Then you're an idiot. I've addressed every single thing you've thrown at me. I've addressed every single comment and every assertion. Boneheads like you are so narrow minded that you don't even recognize what the argument is. You're willing to engage in a discussion of what time is as long as I accept as irrefutable fact that my argument is incorrect. I argue that it's distance and velocity which are fundamental and time which is simply the result of man's combining of them to produce a concept we call time, and you're willing to engage in that discussions long as I go along with your assertion that it's indisputable that in order to know a velocity, we must first know the value of time and distance. But that's the debate, dickhead. I'm not going to assert that time is just the comparisons of motion but then accept as indisputable your notion that time is fundamental. That's shear idiocy. Why not debate the issue on a reasonable basis? Why not engage with logic and reason? I've given you a very well reasoned and detailed rationale as to how we came to this misconception of time and what it really is. The only thing you keep coming back with, essentially, is that I'm wrong. Fine. But you've hardly addressed a single argument I've made without including somewhere in your response the very *premise* that my argument is wrong. That's not a debate. That's not argument. That's just an insistence that I must acquiesce or else "Fuck-You". How silly is that? Is that what passes for discussion here? Is that what passes for debate in the scientific community? I know what it is. While your avocation may be physics, mine is physiology. The propensity of the so-called experts in this NG to vitriol in the face of reason which they cannot dispute stems from the fact that these so-called experts, like you, visit these NGs to show how much they know. On the surface, they do so to teach, but in this case, they're driven to teach by the need to show how smart they are. And they're driven to show how smart they are by their fear that they are not. They are so driven by their own feelings of incompetence. They need the constant reassurance of their peers and they need to know that there are so many lesser qualified than they. It's classic. The trouble comes when they're faced with an argument they cannot address. The trouble comes when someone who's clearly not as learned as they are proposes something which they believe to be incorrect but then are surprised to learn that they cannot explain why that is. They cannot adequately respond to reason and logic. That's when all the fear and all the angst which is driven by feelings of inadequacy surface and the inevitable response is something akin to "Fuck-You". Just look at a couple of the other morons here. Moortel and Hobba have actually stalked me whenever I engage with others specifically in an attempt to convince others that I'm just a crank and a troll. Ask yourself, why is that? Why are they so eager to condemn me? In the beginning, I asked them repeatedly to just leave me alone. If they believed that I was a troll, then ignore me. But did they? Despite that, not only did they continue to stalk me, but when I would not go away, they hurled the most vile and disgusting insults at me they could think of. And why? Why not just go away? For the same reason you had to respond to me the way that you did. Because they're afraid. Because those feelings of inadequacy bubble to the surface and it scares them. They're humiliated and embarrassed and so they lash out. You know physics (maybe), but I know psychology. So, if you want to take a deep breath and start again, then fine. Let's start from scratch. If not, that's fine by me. |
Fumble Index | Original post & context: xL-dnbeO7N_J_eDcRVn-sw@conversent.net |