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An immortal fumble by Juan R. (27-Jan-2006)

A concise overview of non-canonical-oriented research programs.

Harry ha escrito:

> What I forgot to ask you before:
> > the AAAS interdisciplinary blend of symposia, lectures seminars, and
> > others events with related canonical-oriented research programs.
> I thought that "canonical" was some kind of tradename of your
> website/organisation, but now according to you, the AAAS has
> "canonical-oriented" research programs.
> -> Dictionary. com:
> 3. Conforming to orthodox or well-established rules or patterns, as of
> procedure
> Which research programs are not "canonical-oriented", according to you?
> Harald


The Canonical Science Today entry read,

The Center for CANONICAL |SCIENCE) is advancing a unified version of
cutting-edge science and it would be interesting a short comparison OF
the AAAS interdisciplinary blend of symposia, lectures seminars, and
others events WITH related canonical-oriented research programs.

That could be readed like BETWEEN AND

And next i did some comparison between usual multidisciplinary
non-canonical science and related canonical science programs done at

Canonical science becomes from a extension to all science (i.e.
biology, physics, chemistry, etc.) of early Keizer canonical theory i
worked and extended already with my first work in nanothermodynamics.

Effectively "canonical" means canon, rule, and Keizer got a canon (or
rule) equation was valid in different processes usually studied via
different and often incompatible theories.

In short, "canonical theory" is the closest synonim for TOE: Theory Of

Visit the research zone for more information.

Juan R.

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