Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Pentcho Valev (5-Jul-2005)

The Einsteinian's nightmare
The nightmare is generated by the so called twin paradox and its
various versions where one clock is at rest while the other travels but
returns and the comparison should show that the clock at rest has been
FASTER. This idiocy (Idiocy 2) was in fact the sensation in Einstein's
1905 paper. It supplanted another idiocy (Idiocy 1) following directly
from Lorentz transforms and stating that either clock measures the
other to be SLOWER. The success of Einstein's theory of relativity (and
the failure of Poincare's) is due to the fact that Idiocy 1 is an
obvious absurdity whereas Idiocy 2 is not - the Einsteinian can
endlessly defend it by referring to irrelevant evidence etc. However
Idiocy 2 still generates a nightmare since Einstein claims it is a
corollary of Lorentz transforms whereas in fact it is not. Tremendous
work has been done by Einsteinians in order to mask the problem - this
work was started by Einstein himself in Chapter 23 in his "Relativity".
Yet the truth will become evident one day: Lorentz transforms predict
that either clock measures the other to be slower but by no means
predict that one clock is faster than the other. Einsteinians will
immediately repent and devise some other theory containing more lies
and bringing even more money.

Pentcho Valev
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