Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Franklinhu (11-Apr-2006)

"One of the greatest mis-statements in scientific history"
The first part of this post described how dark matter is nothing more
than the aether being gravitationally compressed around astronomical
objects and that dark energy was the result of the aether forming
spherical voids which push all real matter out to the edges of these
voids. This second part of the post will now address some common
objections to these ideas by refuting the idea that the aether doesn't
exist and that the galactic redshift is not caused by a general
expansion of the universe and should not be taken into consideration as
part of the dark energy force.

The key idea behind both the dark matter and dark energy explanations
is the existence of an aether. The most obvious objection to any theory
which relies on such an aether is simply 'The aether has been proven
not to exist by the Michaelson Morley experiment - therefore this
theory must be wrong.'

This must be one of the greatest mis-statements in scientific history.
At best, the Michaelson Morley experiment was inconclusive in
disproving an aether. The original experiment did find a small effect,
but the number of runs in the experiment and the range of results was
so large, that it was difficult to say whether the effect was significant.
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