"N:dlzc D:aol T:com (dlzc)" <dlzc1@cox.net> wrote in message news:WjgMl.8945$0S.1782@newsfe22.iad... > The "problem" arises from Mr. Seppala's classical frame jump. The only fucking classical frame jump, you moron, is the turn around reversal of the sign of v to make the trip back. tau = (t-vx/c^2)/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2) outbound, tau = (t PLUS vx/c^2)/sqrt(1-v^2/c^2) inbound, the faster you go the longer it takes to get home. YOU and your verbal diarrhea are the fucking problem, and cretins like you. Miserable clueless bastards like you, Smiffy, are constantly throwing the shit in the fan and blaming others for it. |
Fumble Index | Original post & context: o5kMl.38526$mS6.4592@newsfe27.ams2 |