Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Androcles (22-Dec-2004)

The snivelling supertroll and imbecile, fumble-mumbler extraordinaire
Dirk Van der moortel, has been been hoist by his own petard with
threat of a law suit for libel from Dennis McCarthy. Van der moortel
claimed McCarthy was the same person as "Sue" Jahn, and some rather 
foolish individuals, namely Assistant Professor Paul B. Andersen
of Agder University College, Sørlandet, Norway  and Bill Hobba of 
nowhere in particular were foolish enough to believe Van der moortel
and made the same blunder, accusing Ms. Jahn of being Dennis McCarthy,
as the Google archives will show.

"I have no time to check all this out and I'm not going to bother
my neighbours with this, so I have decided to remove your name from
yapped the mortified peeing puppy, shaking in his shame but still 
attempting his pathetic bravado and daring-do, even with his tail 
between his legs.

I  have retained a copy of the offensive accusation, and shall
have no compunction in making use of it should I decide to bring suit
against Van der moortel myself, which will come without warning
should it occur.

I will issue this warning to others, however. Anyone that is stupid 
enough to make the same error as Andersen and Hobba have will also be 
sued, and any such as Andersen should seriously consider their tenure
and the shame such a suit would bring about, reflecting upon their
faculty. When the excrement hits the fan, it spreads far and wide.

I do not normally read moortel, that being beneath my dignity, but upon 
reading McCarthy's acceptance of moortel's apology I researched the 
archives of Google to discover the actual words used.

I daresay the possibility still exists for Ms. Jahn to bring her own 
suit against Hobba, Andersen and Van der moortel, and recommend these 
gentlemen (if such they be) issue an appropriate apology immediately. 
That would, of course, be Ms Jahn's prerogative. That either should be 
taken in by Van der moortel reflects on their intellect, let us see if 
it reflects upon their grace.

I myself have stated Hobba was the same person as Dinky van de 
Torquemada, I leave it to the reader to determine if such is an allusion
to Van der moortel the spermless.

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