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An immortal fumble by James Driscoll (Spaceman) (23-Mar-2006)

"pathalogical lying sack of shit PD"
"PD" <TheDraperFamily@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Spaceman wrote:
>> "PD" <TheDraperFamily@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:1143134313.194184.296990@z34g2000cwc.googlegroups.com...
>> >
>> > Spaceman wrote:

<unsnip from
     http://groups.google.com/group/sci.physics/msg/32c72133b08f532d >
   |  Hmm,
   |  we roll a ball on earth and it rolls at 10 mph wrt earth.
   |  The KE is relative, yet the life of the ball remains the same.
   |  why are you saying it is the KE that is keeping the ball "alive"
   |  longer or shorter?
   |  KE is relative and of course so is speed,
   |  but when it comes to the life of an object.
   |  the relatives are null and void according to the rolling ball.
   |  HA HA!


>> You completely ignore the rolling ball analogy don't you.
> Not at all. Note that in the rolling ball analogy you said the ball
> does NOT live longer.

I did not say that.
What the frig is wrong with you.
You are now showing to be a pathalogical lying sack of shit PD.

> The ball's lifetime is affected by the physical KE?

It "lives" longer the faster it rolls.
Why are you so reluctant to think of such at all?
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