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An immortal fumble by Marcel Luttgens (14-Sep-2005)

Luttgens gives an intelligent comment and makes an exercise

"Dirk Van de moortel" <dirkvandemoortel@ThankS-NO-SperM.hotmail.com> wrote in
   message news:u_DVe.193168$MO4.10605596@phobos.telenet-ops.be...
> <mluttgens@wanadoo.fr> wrote in message
>     news:1126630384.375777.163660@g47g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
> >
> > The Srist driving a car moving at 80 km/h says to the SRist sitting on
> > the road:
> >     "My watch is going slower than yours!"
> > The man on the road replies:
> >     "No, my watch is going slower than yours, because I am the one who is
> >      moving at 80 km/h!"
> >
> >
> > According to SR, both are right, but according to logic, both are of
> > course wrong.
> According to SR both express themselves poorly like that.
> People who know what the theory is about and who understand
> it, might talk like that, but they should not use this kind of language
> when talking to confused laymen like you.
> The man on the road should say: "According to my measurements
> the time between two ticks on your car-clock take longer than a
> second as measured on my road-clock."
> This is expressed as
>         dt = gamma dt'
> for events satisifying dx' = 0 (i.o.w. on the car-clock).
> The man in the car should say: "According to my measurements
> the time between two ticks on your road-clock take longer than
> a second as measured on my car-clock."
> This is expressed as
>         dt' = gamma dt
> for events satisifying dx = 0 (i.o.w. on the road-clock)
> Exercise:
> You are looking at me between a gap through your fingers.
> You say that I am smaller that you are.
> I am looking at you between a gap through my fingers.
> I say that you are smaller than I am.
> We both express ourselves poorly.
> Exercise: find a better way for us to express ourselves.
> Dirk Vdm

Typical Vdm blah blah!
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