Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Marcel Luttgens (22-Dec-2006)

Luttgens debunks "Einsteinian relativity"

Imagine a car 1 of mass m1 moving at v1 and a car 2 of mass m2
moving at -v2 wrt a tree situated along the road, hence when they
collide, their total kinetic energy is (m1v1^2 + m2v2^2)/2.
According to Einsteinian relativity, one can consider that car 1 is
at rest, and that car 2 is moving at about V = -(v1 + v2) wrt car 1
(as v1 << c and v2 << c).
Then, their total kinetic energy is m2V^2/2, which is of course
different from (m1v1^2 + m2v2^2)/2, unless m1=0 and m2=0.
Conclusively, Einsteinian relativity only applies to massless bodies,
i.e. to mathematical points.

Marcel Luttgens
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