Home Is Where The Wind Blows

An immortal fumble by Androcles (14-Sep-2004)

ROFLMAO!!! - Precious!
"Tom Roberts" <tjroberts@lucent.com> wrote in message 
| In GR, SR holds _LOCALLY_ -- that is, in a small enough region enclosing
| any given point in spacetime SR holds to arbitrarily-good accuracy (the
| higher accuracy required, the smaller the region, in general). A direct
| consequence of this is that in GR the speed of light is LOCALLY c, but
| over non-local distances it need not be c (and indeed it's easy to find
| situations where a long-distance measurement obtains values other than c).

You did say LONG distance MEASUREMENT, right, Roberts?
How about "It doesn't mean what you think it means?"

Here's a long distance MEASUREMENT that obtains values other than c, in 
UNCURVED spacetime.

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